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 A History of  Giving 

Success in delivering innovation in the enterprise software industry enabled Dave and Cheryl Duffield to give back to causes and institutions that have had a lasting impact on their own lives.

The Duffields' first philanthropic interest, The Duffield Family Foundation, was founded in 1994 with the sole goal of revolutionizing the status and well-being of companion animals. Renamed
Maddie's Fund in 1999, this organization has changed the face of animal welfare by investing close to $300 million in innovation, leadership development, education, and collaboration across the companion animal care industry.

Fast forward to today, and the Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation (DCDF), founded in 2016, is continuing the family's commitment to making bold impacts. DCDF focuses on support for disabled military veterans, companion animal well-being, and organizations in which our founders have personal connections. Based in Incline Village, Nevada, DCDF is the Duffield family's current vehicle for funding transformational services and programs. 

The Foundation's capstone project is Liberty Dogs™, a state-of-the-art campus in Reno, Nevada, that will pair veterans with disabilities with service dogs and prepare the team to lead productive, independent lives. The facility is slated to open in 2026.

East Entry to Gathering Room.png

  Liberty Dogs 


Opening 2026

Dave & Cheryl Duffield Foundation
PO Box 4014, Incline Village, NV 89450

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